The Laughter Mechanic

Because Laughter Is The Best Medicine, Ticklish Laughter that is! :)

Category: NASA

  •  Yes, I realize it’s a stretch to assign NASA scientist status to the two Ace of Base vocalists,  Malin Berggren (above left) and Jenny Berggren (above right), but their white album cover clothing and rather serious expressions just kind of lent themselves to looking like they were on a mission to Mars 🙂 

    For a moment, why don’t we just do a little suspension of disbelief and recast these two gorgeous women from one of the most popular vocal acts of the early 90’s as going on to become NASA scientists in 2018, preparing to go to Mars…wait for it…in 30 seconds ;0 

    Here. We. Go. 

    Part Two:

    It was instant bliss for Malin as the discs began to whir and those pink feathers danced effortlessly all over her gorgeous bare soles. 

    Malin took such good care of her feet that her husband would call her an OCFD, Obsesssive Compulsive Foot Disorder 🙂 

    Yes, Malin was in the salon chair every 3-4 days to get the bottoms of her feet and toes buffed and scrubbed for ultimate smoothness. Her husband always commented on how soft her feet were to his touch, and he reveled in giving her frequent massages and tickles throughout the week. 

    It was that soft skin on the bottoms of Malin’s barefeet that would give the pink feathers more ticklish power in the experiment taking place today. 

    Malin erupted in a fit of ticklish laughter as the feather disc spun round and round. 

    Jenny, whose bare soles were not as soft as her counterpart, was slightly slower to start laughing uncontrollably. Jenny, a bit competitive, looked over at Malin enjoying the instant foot tickling bliss, and became a little jealous for a moment. ‘Why is she already laughing so much?! I want to be laughing like that!’

    Malin just couldn’t help herself as she exploded into wild and helpless fits of pleasurable laughter from what this little tickle instrument was doing on her baresoles. 

    Malin was in heaven, and it felt so good to have her feet tickled like this, mechanically and consistently. 

    Jenny was about to abandon ship and ask Ellen to stop the experimentwhen her  spinning circle of ticklish pink feathers started to touch the bottoms and just in between her toes. This toe tickling angle was just what Jenny needed to start tipping her ticklish scale in the right direction, and have her howling with laughter.

    Jenny’s laughter trickled out at first and then became a beautiful torrent with every revolution of the feather dial spinning. ‘What a relief!’, thought Jenny. ‘I thought I wasn’t going to be able to contribute to science today!’ 

    And now, the two of them were howling with such beautiful ticklish laughter that Ellen just beamed from ear to ear from all the data she was collecting.

     ‘Science, when it works, is just wonderful!’, thought Ellen. 

    Malin looked over at Jenny as they were both laughing, and Jenny looked over at Malin, and they both shareda priceless  moment of each reveling in the others’ bliss at being foot tickled together. 

    It was also just so fortuitous that these two women were seemingly in perfect resonance with the whirring pink tickle instrument that Ellen had designed. 

    Malin would spread her toes and try to let the feathers find clear paths in and out of all her gorgeously red painted toes. Successful with her toe spreads, the feathers would find those sensitive areas in between Malin’s toes, and she  would both laugh and moan at the same time in an oh so beautifully and deep fashion. Malin would catch her breath for a second, and then go in for more. It was clear to Ellen that Malin was quite a a well trained ‘tickle athlete’ if you will.

    Jenny tried to keep up with her companion, and she was doing great for a while as both their bare feet and toes danced with the feathery discs, but alas Jenny had to admit to herself, and to her boss, and Malin, that she was just a little of her league in terms of tickle stamina. 

    Jenny uttered the word ‘Red’ to indicate she’d reached that level of tickle intensity, and it was time for Ellen to stop her side of the tickle machine. 

    Jenny caught her breath and was just amazed at how good a workout being foot tickled by this machine really was. 

    Her abdominal muscles felt like she’d done a hundred stomach crunches!  

    ‘Oh my God! That was intense! I loved it!’ cried out Jenny.

    Jenny couldn’t believe her eyes and ears though as Malin on the other side of her showed no signs of needing to utter the same word. 

    No, Malin’s side of the experiment just kept churning out datum after ticklish datum much to Ellen’s delight. 

    Malin was clearly in her element and her copious and joyous laughter spoke volumes and filled the room. 

    It was impossible for Ellen and Jenny not to smile and laugh alongside Malin as her laugh was just so beautifully warm and contagious. It wasn’t that high pitched, shrill decibel laugh that said, I F’ing Hate You for tickling me like this!’ No, Malin’s laughter just took you by the hand, sat you down, and said, ‘Let’s stay here for a while and enjoy every second!’

    Bliss! Ticklish Nirvana Bliss! 

    Although Malin was just getting her foot ticklish engines started, she respected and loved Jenny like a sister, and really didn’t want to her friend to feel bad that she’d quit the experiment a little early. 

    Malin decided to go ahead and softly utter ‘Red’ to her boss. 

    And with that Malin’s spinning feather disc came to its last revolution. 

    Malin felt as if she’d just finished a thrilling roller coaster ride in an amusent park. She sat back and just sighed deeply and in a most satisfied fashion. Her abdominal muscles were screaming and felt like they’d had theworkout  of their dreams!

    Both she and Jenny knew that they’d been able to give Ellen lots of great data today, and that they could feel especially good about their contribution to the Mars mission. 

    Malin hoped Jenny would still be up for ticking her at her flat with possibly some of her flatmates later today. 

    Jenny hoped for the same. 

    Ellen, feeling a little left out of all the tickle fun, hoped that her two scientists might offer to run the test on her later once she crunched all these beautiful tickle response numbers. 

    Hope, ticklish hope, was definitely in the air! 🙂

    Thanks for reading this story and stopping by the site! 

    This story is a labor of love. 

    It means alot if you send me a short comment just to tell me something you might have liked from the story; something that resonated, something that spoke to you. 

    You can do that here on the site itself below (preferred), but if you’d rather it be more private, email’s a great option too! I still love getting email 🙂 

    You can send your direct feedback @ 

    Remember, I’m just one busy father, husband, working professional, middle aged human who happens to love looking at women’s feet and seeing them get gently tickled with the woman loving the experience.  

    That pretty much sums up the experience I’m hoping to create here for ticklephiles like myself.

    If you’re into that too, great! 

    Join me and subscribe to the website! 

    Or you can just send me an email, or send me a Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram message! 

    Or get on the Tickle Media Forum (TMF). I’m ‘laughtermech’ on the site. If you send me a friend invite or message, I’ll respond back. 

    Main thing is to connect! 

    I’ll connect back. I promise! 

    Again, thank you so much for stopping by! I know you have a LOT of choices out there, and I appreciate you clicking on me for a few minutes out of your busy day. 

    With kindness and laughter,

    John Smith, The Laughter Mechanic